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Not indifferent citizens say about psychiatry. B
nansey December 31st, 2017 Banjo234 It sounds like Daryl has a powerful case for suing the NHS or whoever gave put him on the dreadful drug regime that did him so much harm. Shocking but not really surprising. Two thousand years ago all these conditions would have been seen as spiritual conditions and attempts would have been made to treat the afflicted accordingly. Almost certainly a far better approach to such problems. Bard Greene Looking back, I realize that I was heartbroken because I was in this horrible living situation and not getting any support or validation for how I was feeling. Instead of dealing with that, they shocked my mind. This treatment was completely and totally irrelevant to what was going on for me. What I was going through was an emotional thing and not a mental thing." Beate Braun If you are diagnosed with schizophrenia, they talk with you like you are not there. They talk about you but not with you, but you have to hear it. But if you really want to talk, the doctors and nurses in the hospital don't have time for a conversation." Becky Brann Evansville, IN This practice is wrong and inhumane. Stop please. Just stop Bek’a I think ADHD treatment is horrible in today's America Benjamin Andrew Hi everyone! I have met a few of you already, but to those who I haven't, I'll introduce myself :) I'm studying an MA in Investigative Journalism at City University, and am doing a project on anti-psychiatry. I would be keen to chat to any of you who have had bad experiences of psychiatry and hearing your story. If you are interested pop me an email on [email protected] to get in touch. I am especially interested in speaking to anyone who has experience of ECT. If you or a family member have experienced ECT and feel comfortable talking about it then I would really appreciate hearing from you. Hope you are all having great weekends :) Benjamin Connor Like any killer they take time and great patience not to get caught. Usual suspects. But in the end they enjoy the chase better than the catch. The perverse and wicked thing is humans take great pleasure in murdering their own kind. As with my ordeal I am slippery when wet, I might slip through the net but know I'm deluded by he most pathetic of things. You have every right if you can hate something that much at all costs kill it. When the judgement is served you will burn in hell for your sins. Neural genesis and controls put in place can say that the criminal law must be difficult to gain that right. It is murder though but God is dead ain't he. There is no helper for those forsaken by God only eternal damnation for those murdered and flung into hell. Here is a massive RIP to Benjamin J Connor delusional about a murder, Anit-Makkinnen and why? Put to the question because it's right, the authorities are the truth. My fate is not as a puppet on a string but slipping through the net. Poseidon and trident launch codes. carlisle cumbria Beverly Rodigo Carmichael, CA Nobody deserves to be shocked, it is evil. Beverly Sotile Nunda, NY This is disgusting but, again, not surprising. This country is full of evil behavior like this, including a lot more that many have not heard of. We have to come together as a nation and stop going about our daily routine while these things continue to take place. Please help stop this horrific practice. Beth Harris The #FDAStopTheShockDevice petition has received over 2,200 signatures and 800+ comments. A more thorough analysis of those comments is forthcoming, however, we wanted to offer a glimpse of what people shared. The sixth, seventh, and eighth most common words used in the comments submitted through the petition were "damage," "barbaric" and "torture." We must continue the fight to make sure that the FDA hears the people who will be adversely affected by the proposed rule if it becomes an order. On April 1, 2016, I spoke with the person in charge of the FDA's proposed rule, Michael Ryan. He explained to me that even though it was arbitrary, they had to close the period for comments at some point, and that the FDA would not be reopening the shock dockets. Nor did he envision them holding hearings, he said, because they held hearings in 2011. After explaining to Mr. Ryan my inability to input all of the comments we received through the petition, and how documents from my own comments were not successfully uploaded, he agreed to accept these documents in print form. So this week, I will be printing and sending all the petition signatures and comments to Mr. Ryan via registered mail, return receipt requested… Bianka Perez Hello, my brother has been hided, blackmailed, abused and has been kept for a minor punch in a concentration camp here in Germany for more than adequate. Inside and behind the walls he has been massively harrassed, provoked and tortured for no reason. This privately run buildings make sure to keep their beds full and judges, lawyers and doctors do not want to take responsibility for their crimes. Right now they invented something new for him so he can't have visitors. Bill Dierolf So... It seems like everyone... and I mean everyone (all my doctors and even family) seem to dismiss my memory problems. I feel that it's getting worse, but they look at me like it's simple forgetfulness. How do I make them understand how scared I am? Looks like telling them isn't working Bobby 48512 I think it's a form of punishment and in many cases capital punishment... Bonnie Brown Carlisle, PA Barbaric Idiots Brenda Gordon Sandusky, OH What sick son of a bitch shocks anyone or anything to make it behave? Omg how stupid does someone have to be to know this is wrong. Shock whoever passed and approved these ideas a few times and see of they still approve Brian Kryzanski the past 20 years has one thing in common and guess what, it’s not only guns. It has been shown they all have or were taking powerful psychotropic drugs. There have been many studies in the past decade on SSRI (Selective Serotonin Re-Uptake Inhibitors) medications on the deadly side effects, including suicide and other violent behavior. Depressed people are more likely to be prescribed the medication, and it’s definitely over prescribed in many cases. People have always had a natural ability to get over depression in time, HOWEVER, we have to consider the fact that 25 years ago mass shootings did not happen as often or in the percentage as they do now. Prozac came onto the market around 25 years ago and drugs in that category are now used by 20% of Americans. It seems like emotions are getting worse and not better, it also seems like we’re more and more unable to cope on our own without drugs. When our children are acting out and have emotional problems, many parents choose to medicate instead of taking the time to find the root cause Brian Kryzanski Honestly, all these mental "illnesses" that are treated with drugs are portrayed in such superficial way, as if it was a virus that you can catch by chance. Personally I think that these are all natural occurances which all have a significant role in our mental/spiritual evolution if we learn to understand it. All these psychologists and therapists make people even more confused because they focus on the scientific aspect of the psychology which is the other end of the spiritual purpose. Hope that our sciences manage to evolve to such level that it will start explaining the "mystical" and spiritual in a logical way rather than opposing people by making them close minded sceptics. Brian Olsen It's time to reconnect our lives with standards higher than ones we think we can afford. Permission to corrupt and mangle our Moral Code is granted by denial and blame we harbor. The sacred emotions attached to our lives are used as weapons against us backhandling our productive course directly into a pit of fury. The entire genome lives in total blindness to this heracy. Pathetic compromises in our own houses serving purposes not our own spread desolation. The Sciences we trust our lives with have been turned against us. Thoughtful answers carried on tongues of doctrates generalize and dilute our entire species into a mob of drones that will believe anything they hear when spoken with false inspiration. Evil is the perfect weapon playing a deadly game that has never changed. It cloaks itself as doubt and animosity against the actionable truth riding on the wheels of tainted volition. We can never blame oursevles again. Take action with the truth and seek it in everything. Purify our way of life. This is a smiling war we will win without fighting. Our symbols of freedom and hope must become steeples of realignment with the truth. This is NOT your candid daily motivational statement. This is a declaration of independance that must be sat at every dinner table. By Kelly Patricia O’Meara Despite on-going calls by lawmakers for increased mental health services to thwart the onslaught of mass shootings, stabbings and other acts of violence, those in a position to make a difference continue to ignore the very basic facts which indicate that the majority of perpetrators were receiving mental health services and the “treatment” (drugs) is the most likely cause. Twenty-nine-year-old Vincente Montano’s attack at a movie theater in Nashville, TN, on Wednesday, is yet another violent attack by a perpetrator with a history of having received mental health services and psychiatric “treatment.” |